Mi Gente Interneto

First up, thanks to everyone (still!) buying my book. Sometimes it’s nice to come home after a long day, log onto my Amazon account, and know people are still interested in great literature. Keep it up, you magnificent bastards.

I happened to click over to the Nobody Poops But You Amazon page today (the actual page for the book, not just my account attached to the book behind the scenes.) And I got a look at my latest demographic info. Yes, the “People Who Viewed My Item Also Viewed” crowd. Turns out we’re rubbing our sensuous shoulders with some other pretty great books:

I mean, awesome, right? I’ve picked up All My Friends Are Dead and K is for Knifeball, which were pretty solid tomes, respectively. And I’m assuming A Practical Guide to Racism is just a one-page instruction manual that says, “Don’t be a racist.”

So keep it up, internet people. Let’s graph some functions and color some vaginas and make 2014 the year of true literary adventure.

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