Nobody Poops But You: Win a Signed Copy!

You guys, it happened again!

So I logged in recently to mah good ol’ Amazon account to see this.


That’s right. Someone paid for a book in euros. A sign that our readership here is truly international, and probably a sign that the eurozone is bouncing back. (Right? Either that or Greece at this point is like, Fuck it, let’s buy the first thing we see on Amazon.)

I’m touched, you guys. I’m overcome with both giddy excitement and pervasive heart palpitations, and it’s not just the World Cup this time.

In honor of the book’s expanding international status, I’m having a book giveaway! And you are all cordially invited, mi gente interneto.

So! Here’s the deets.

Nobody Poops But You Book Giveaway

If you’d like to win a free copy of Nobody Poops But You, you can enter below starting RIGHT NOW. Just put your email address and a message saying “sign me up!” below. When the contest closes, I’ll randomly select three winners and mail them each an autographed copy of the book. (I’m deleting all of the email addresses after the contest ends, so don’t worry about me contacting y’all later.)

We’re an international operation here, folks, so the contest is open to wherever I can send things by US Mail or FedEx.

If you just can’t wait for Lady Luck to deliver your copy of Nobody Poops But You, you can also head over to Amazon right now and get a copy in all its literary glory.



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