Like Johnny Appleseed. Kinda.

People (in my daydreams) often say to me, “W.U., I’m an aspiring author. How do I get my books into stores?”

My answer to them: Straight up put them there.

I recently traveled to Asia for work, so I figured I’d bring along a few copies of Nobody Poops But You and drop them in airport bookstores along the way.

Nobody Poops But You, front and center. Sorry, Ken Follett.

Nobody Poops But You, front and center. Sorry, Ken Follett.

Sometimes the people in my oolong-fueled daydreams are like, “Wait, but what happens if somebody actually picks that book up and goes to buy it?” And I’m like, “No clue, buddy.”

But it almost doesn’t matter, you know? The book gets to hang out in a new city, tons of people can read it for free while they wait for their connecting flight to Des Moines, and at the very least I can make the end of the day a little more surreal for whoever closes up shop.

Love, hugs, and travel bugs,

W.U. Ming

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